
Uno de los pilares de la Economía Compartida es la confianza en los usuarios. En este artículo  se investiga si podemos determinar usuarios poco fiables en el web de venta de artículos usados Wallapop basándonos en cómo escriben en Twitter.


Predicting Reputation in the Sharing Economy with Twitter Social Data, Toni Prada & Carlos A. Iglesias. (2020). Predicting Reputation in the Sharing Economy with Twitter Social Data. Applied Sciences, 10 (2881), 1-18.

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El próximo lunes a las 11:00 en el Salón de grados, tendrá lugar la lectura y defensa de la tesis de J. Fernando Sánchez Rada, estáis todos invitados.

La tesis doctoral, dirigida por Carlos A. Iglesias, se titula "Sentiment and Emotion Analysis in Social Networks: modeling and linking data, affects and people".

Lugar: Salón de grados (Edificio A - SG A-128.1) de la ETSIT-UPM.

Fecha: 11 de febrero de 2020, 11:00

The journal paper An Approach for Radicalization Detection based on Emotion Signals and Semantic Similarity by Oscar Araque and Carlos Angel Iglesias has been published at IEEE Access (4.098 impact factor, Q1 JCR-2018).

The paper is available at the following URL:




The Internet has become an important tool for modern terrorist groups as a means of spreading their propaganda messages and recruitment purposes. Previous studies have shown that the analysis of social signs can help in the analysis, detection, and prediction of radical users. In this work, we focus on the analysis of affect signs in social media and social networks, which has not been yet previously addressed. The article contributions are: (i) a novel dataset to be used in radicalization detection works, (ii) a method for utilizing an emotion lexicon for radicalization detection, and (iii) an application to the radical detection domain of an embedding-based semantic similarity model. Results show that emotion can be a reliable indicator of radicalization, as well as that the proposed feature extraction methods can yield high-performance scores.

Este jueves 22  leen su TFG en el aula B-22 varios miembros del GSI, estáis todos invitados:

  • 09:00  Nicolás López Cano. Design and Development of a Digital Signage System based on the Content Management System Joomla. 
  • 09:25 Andrés Montero Ranc. Development of a trusted gamification platform for employee incentivization based on Blockchain and ReactJS. 
  • 09:50 Daniel Vera Nieto. Design and development of a machine learning system for fast food prevalence characterization using Social Media Mining
  • 10:15 Sergio López. Design and Development of a machine learning system for Personality Classification based on stylometric features.
  • 11:05 Pablo García Benedicto. Development of an Augmented Reality Application for Interacting with Smart Objects in a Smart Office using the technology Android ARCore.
  • 11:30 Juan José Herrero Bermejo. Design and development of a mobile application for activity monitoring in an intelligent environment.

En la edición de los premios de la Cátedra Ingeniero General D. Antonio Remón y Zarco del Valle de TFGs de seguridad , han sido premiados con sendos accésits el trabajo de fin de grado: “Design and Development of a Stylometry Library for Texts in Spanish and English . Application to Terrorist and Radical Texts”, elaborado por D. Álvaro de Pablo Marsal y el trabajo de fin de máster: “Diseño y Desarrollo de un Detector de Discurso de Odio en Redes Sociales Basado en Técnicas de Aprendizaje Profundo”, elaborado por D. Diego Benito Sánchez.


Acta de concesión de los premios