Web and Service engineering


In this line of work, the group is researching and implementing methodologies andtechnologies that enable agile development of applications, including Web services, enhancing reliability and safety.

In this line of work, the group is researching and implementing methodologies andtechnologies that enable agile development of applications, including Web services, enhancing reliability and safety.

It has defined a methodology for developing Java applications that follows the design-led approach uses domain and meta-frameworks independent development of the implementation to automate the design, ensuring that requirements are met and not only functional but also non-functional, especially the reliability and security (project FP7 Romulus).

We are researching techniques for defining web services by combining available services (mashups) and a particular way in the automation of the description of services to facilitate their combination.

We are working on researching and developing tools to predict the security flaws inweb applications and services, helping the detection and possible prevention of attacks on them, not listed or unknown vulnerabilities (SIMPA projects, VulneraNet).

Also in this line of support for the development of secure applications, has worked with modeling and simulation techniques to networks, especially of active networks set up and run (Android project). The group has been researching in service and mashup discovery through the application of semantic and machine learning techniques.

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Research areas: Web and Service engineering
Proposed start date: 2010-09-01
Proposed end date: 2012-12-31
Research areas: Web and Service engineering
Proposed start date: 2010-01-01
Proposed end date: 2011-12-31