
Un grupo de investigadores de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ha desarrollado una plataforma interactiva que permite a los visitantes de los museos no sólo conocer más sobre las obras expuestas, sino que también ofrece la posibilidad de jugar a un juego de preguntas generadas automáticamente relacionadas con dichas obras. La plataforma se ha implementado en un escenario de la vida real y los buenos resultados obtenidos indican  que podría extrapolarse y adaptarse a otro tipo de museos o instituciones de patrimonio cultural.

La noticia se ha publicado en la portada de noticias la UPM.

Read more: Técnicas de gamificación para potenciar las visitas a los museos - artículo del GSI en la portada...

The virtual kick-off of the H2020 project PARTICIPATION (Analyzing and Preventing Extremism Via Participation, SEP-210655026) has been held on 18th December 2021. 

The project PARTICIPATION aims at preventing extremism, radicalization, and polarisation that can lead to violence through more effective social and education policies and interventions that target at-risk groups to be performed through the establishment

of a holistic framework and the engagement\involvment of social actors, local communities, civil society, and policymakers.


UPM-GSI leads WP4, "Contrasting Radicalization, and Extremism via Communication", and its main role in the project is the development of an intelligent NLP engine for detecting the different stages of radicalization in youth. UPM also lead the development of open source methodological tools for evaluating counter and alternative narratives campaigns, so-called PTD (Prevention Tools Database). PTD will be integrated in the open information hub, a platform developed as part of the H2020 project TAKEDOWN, and currently being expanded in 2 ISFP projects (CHAMPIONs and ARMOUR).



El pasado 23 de Octubre se ha defendido en la ETSI de Telecomunicación la tesis doctoral de Óscar Araque, titulada "A Distributional Semantics Perspective of Lexical Resources for Affect Analysis: An application to Extremist Narratives". El acto ha transcurrido con normalidad, y la tesis ha recibido la máxima calificación, con la mención de Cum Laude.

El documento de la tesis se puede encontrar en este enlace.

The virtual kick-off of the TETRAMAX project VLP-Automation (Task Automation based on Visible Light Positioning and Blockchain) has been held on 3rd September 2020. 

The project VLP-Automation aims at designing and implementing a task automation and access management system that uses blockchain and Visible Light Positioning system based on Li-Fi indoor technology.

This system will have the ability to detect the approximate positioning of different objects/people using the LED lighting infrastructure already available and automate tasks based on this input .

The development will be based on an already existing hybrid VLC communication system (BEIA) integrated with the task automation platform (UPM)