
Este mes comienzan la primera edición de las Becas GSI. Reunido el comité, han sido seleccionado los siguientes candidatos:

  • Beca Profesor Gregorio Fernández de Iniciación a la investigación en aprendizaje automático y Big Data, a D. Diego Benito.
  • Beca Profesora Mercedes Garijo de iniciación a la investigación en tecnología de agentes, a D. Pablo Aznar.
  • Beca Profesor Fernando Sáez-Vacas de iniciación a la investigación en complejidad y sistemas sociales, a D. Eduardo Merino.

The Data Science Summer School is organized for the first time in Romania by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, with the support of the International Relations Office, the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, and the Faculty of Finances and Banking, in Predeal, Romania. The teachers or the course are Dan Nicolae (University of Chicago, USA), Razvan Bunescu (Ohio University, USA), Marko Grobelnik (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia), Carlos A. Iglesias (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain), James Hodson (Cognism / AI for Good Foundation, USA / Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia), Ioan Toma (University of Innsbruck, Austria) and  Dumitru Roman (SINTEF / University of Oslo, Norway).


La charla titulada Teaching Big Data with Pen, Paper and Scissors se ha presentado en la  7th International Congress on Education and Learning en París, Francia, el 18 de Julio de 2018. Este trabajo se ha realizado gracias a la financiación ofrecida por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la inciativa de Innovación Educativa, en relación al Proyecto de Innovación Educativa no. IE1718.0902, titulado Un enfoque de Aprendizaje basado en Retos para Técnicas de Análisis de Datos.

The paper A Model of Radicalization Growth using Agent-based Social Simulation, by Tasio Méndez, J. Fernando Sánchez-Rada and Carlos A. Iglesias in collaboration with Paul Cummings from George Mason University is being presented at the 6th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS) which has been held as part of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) since 2013 and was affiliated to AAMAS through AOSE, ProMAS, DALT since the inception of these earlier workshops.

EMAS 2018 aims to gather researchers and practitioners in the domains of agent-oriented software engineering, programming multi-agent systems, declarative agent languages and technologies, machine learning, and AI in general, and AI and machine learning to present and discuss their research and emerging results in MAS engineering.

Abstract. This work presents an agent based model of radicalization growth based on social theories. The model aims at improving the understanding of the influence of social links on radicalism spread. The model consists of two main entities, a Network Model and an Agent Model. The Network Model updates the agent relationships based on proximity and homophily, it simulates information diffusion and updates the agents' beliefs. The model has been evaluated and implemented in Python with the agent-based social simulator Soil. In addition, it has been evaluated using a sensitivity analysis.

The EMAS 2018 workshop is being hold July 14-15, at Stockholm, Sweden.


The 2nd year review meeting of the project EMOSPACES is being hold at CEA, Paris.

GSI is presenting the Emospaces ontology and the emotion aware task automation system.