Este viernes 15 de junio se leen varios trabajos fin de titulación en la B-225, estáis todos invitados. Si estáis interesados, podéis encontrar las memorias y vídeos en la web.


Hora Alumno Título
9:00 Fernando Benayas Application of Bayesian Reasoning for Fault Diagnosis over a Controller of a Software Defined Network
9:50 Tasio Méndez Design and Implementation of a Visualization Module for Agent-based Social Simulations applied to Radicalism Spread
10:15 Carlos Moreno Design and Development of an Affect Analysis System for Football Matches in Twitter Based on a Corpus Annotated with a Crowdsourcing platform
10:40 Daniel Suárez Design and development of a system for sleep disorder characterization using Social Media Mining
11:05 Pablo Viñals Design and Implementation of a Messaging Module for Smart Space Automation compatible with WAMP and MQTT Protocols