Paolo Nesi () (2008). Metadata and Licence Model for Music Resources in VARIAZIONI. In Paolo Nesi (editor), Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on Automated solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution, pages 117-124. Florence, Italy : Firenze Press.
This article introduces the music metadata model
and the licence model defined within the eContentPlus
VARIAZIONI project 1, based on FRBR. After analysing
the limitation of traditional cataloguing approaches
for music, and the difficulties of applying FRBR, the
Variazioni metadata model defines a flexible model
that takes into account the different nature of musical
assets (libretto, master class, live recording, poster,
etc.) as well as the musical analyst requirements and
structural metadata between different media files. This
metadata model is complemented by a licence model
defined in MPEG-21 and implemented with Axmedis