@conference{towards-gsi-conference-2023, author = "Araque, Oscar and Corniel, Mª Felipa Ledesma and Kyriaki Kalimeri", abstract = "Understanding public narratives on contentious topics like vaccination adherence is vital for promoting cooperative behaviors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, significant polarization arose from concerns about vaccines, with misinformation and conspiracy beliefs proliferating on social media. While many studies have analyzed these narratives, the focus has largely been on English-language content. This linguistic bias limits comprehensive global insights. Our study introduces a novel multilingual approach that addresses this gap. By integrating Italian examples into a primarily English dataset, we detect vaccine-hesitant language and demonstrate the model’s adaptability to diverse linguistic data. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating varied linguistic datasets for a more holistic understanding of global narratives on vaccine hesitancy.", booktitle = " Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics", editor = "CEUR", issn = "1613-0073", keywords = "natural language processing;machine learning", number = "3596", title = " {T}owards a {M}ultilingual {S}ystem for {V}accine {H}esitancy {U}sing a {D}ata {M}ixture {A}pproach", url = "https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3596/short1.pdf", volume = "3596", year = "2023", }