@mastersthesis{analysis-gsi-mastersthesis-2019, author = "Marzal Rom{\'o}n, Carlos", abstract = "The goal of this project is to create a personal dashboard which tracks your emotions via a facial emotion detection. The personal dashboard will also graphically show your emotions from other sources such as your personal social networks and keep track of them to show how your mood has changed over time. All this will be made using Elasticsearch to gather all the data needed and the web component Sefarad to analyze and visualize the data. For the facial emotion detection I´ll be using the JavaScript library clmtrack that will ask permission to access your webcam to track your face´s emotion while you are using the dashboard.", address = "ETSI Telecomunicaci{\'o}n", institution = "Universidad Polit{\'e}cnica de Madrid", month = "January", title = "{A}nalysis and {D}evelopment of a {P}ersonal {D}ashboard for {E}motion {T}racking", type = "TFG", year = "2019", }