@article{5/96, author = "Velasco, Juan Ram{\'o}n and Gonz{\'a}lez, Jos{\'e} Carlos and Magdalena, Luis and Iglesias, Carlos A.", abstract = "This paper presents a general architecture and a platform developed to implement distributed applications as a set of cooperating intelligent agents. It also shows how this architecture has been used to implement a distributed control system for a complex process: the economic control of a fossil-fuel fired power plant. Agents in this application encapsulate different distributed hardware/ software entities: neural and fuzzy controllers, a data-acquisition system, presentation manager, etc. These agents are defined in ADL (Agent Description Language), a high-level specification language, and interchange data/knowledge through service requests using a common knowledge-representation language.", comments = "JCR 1996 0,181 Q3", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0967-0661(96)00076-7", impact_factor = "0.204", issn = "0967-0661", journal = "Control Engineering Practice", keywords = "Agents;distributed control;fuzzy expert systems;machine learning;power generation", number = "6", pages = "839-845", title = "{M}ultiagent {B}ased {C}ontrol {S}ystems: {A} {H}ybrid {A}pproach to {D}istributed {P}rocess {C}ontrol", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL{\&}_udi=B6V2H-3VTSN02-D{\&}_user=885385{\&}_coverDate=06%2F30%2F1996{\&}_rdoc=1{\&}_fmt=high{\&}_orig=search{\&}_origin=search{\&}_sort=d{\&}_docanchor={\&}view=c{\&}_searchStrId=1585933512{\&}_rerunOrigin=google{\&}_acct=C000047350{\&}_version=", volume = "4", year = "1996", }